First and foremost, there is no reason to tempt us all with the mention of Dean in shorts, and then NOT show us Dean in shorts. That’s just MEAN. Why must you tease us so?
But all is forgiven, because the lovelies over at Supernatural gave us one for the ages. A whole episode from the perspective of the beloved Impala, a joyous, brutal, and sometimes sexy view from the inside of the third Winchester brother (Sorry Adam!). If feels, much like the awesome “Fan Fiction”, like a love letter to the fans, and it was written by the wonderful Robbie Thompson, a man who seems to understand just what it is to be a Supernatural fan.
Kudos also go out to director Thomas J. Wright, who used his talent to give us great angles and views inside the Impala.
Sammy finally tells Dean about being infected; a visit from someone long dead; extended brotherly conversations; backseat sex; eating and singing like everyone ever who has been on a road trip; multiple, hilarious fistfights; creative uses of things left behind in Baby, and Baby herself; reckless joyrides; light destruction; Winchester cleverness; and on and on. How many times do you think I have watched this episode? All I will tell you is that it’s more than two.
So, because this was so wonderful, I am not gonna bother to recap it. I could just post all the wonderful gifs, and quote all the great quotes, and ramble on about What Does It All Mean?, but I just want to bask. Bask in the idea that a show that has been on this long not only keeps finding new, passionate fans, but can still put up a fun, Supernatural-y love letter like this one.
Dean: “Where’s the beer?” Sam: “Under the smoothies.” Dean: “Where’s the rest of the beer?”
Dean: “Time heals all wounds, Sam. Especially good times.”
Baby’s Tape Deck: “Night Moves” Sam & Dean: *singing to “Night Moves”*
Dean: “Digging into the lore. Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”
John: “You having visions, son?” Sam: “Don’t call me that.”
Sam: “Goodnight, jerk.” Dean: “Goodnight, bitch.” (Me: “Awwwww.”)
Castiel (on phone): “I’m mostly confused. I’m not sure how orange correlates with black in a way that’s new.” Dean: “Step away from the Netflix.”
Dean: “Oh Baby, I’m so sorry.”
Dean: “C’mon, let’s go home.” Sam: “You know what? We are home.” (Me: “AWWWWWW”)
Looks like the next episode will cover an oldie but a goodie, Lizzie Borden.
As usual, much thanks to It’s Okay, Sammy tumblr for the awesome gifs.