I am so far behind… luckily, Sandy is wreaking havoc with our schedule today, so I have some time to blather about Supernatural. The second eppy of the the season, “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” introduced us to ProphetKev’s momma, whoRead more…
Supernatural: Jeremy Carver is back!
“Mystery Spot” Shenanigans Remember way back in season 3 or 4 when Jeremy Carver’s name showed up in the credits you would get all excited, knowing you were in for a fun ride? Well, ramp up your Supernatual fan squealsRead more…
Supernatural: Well That Was Easy!
This episode was directed by the lovely and talented Jensen Ackles! Too bad the writers gave him a lame-o story that is a rehash of the Sammy’s Love Kills All trope. Sheesh, thanks a lot guys. Remember last week whenRead more…
Supernatural: Jefferson Starships
Dean is awesome. That is all. Just kidding!! Honestly, I couldn’t ask for much more from this episode. Funny, sweet, gore-riffic, and a couple gut-punches. *claps* Also, one of the funniest running gags of the season, Dean namingRead more…
Supernatural: A Day With “Jared” & “Jensen”
HEE! Always love a good dose of META on this show. The hilariousity was brought to us by none other than Ben Edlund, which is awesome, because he gets to write a particularly pompous character close to his heart, “EricRead more…
Supernatural: Season Six So Far
We are about to start the second half of Supernatural‘s sixth season and so far, it has been quite the uneven year. As you may recall, I was excited about Sera Gamble and her promise of more monsters for ourRead more…
Supernatural fans take over TV Guide
I am a little ashamed to admit that I had no idea this contest even existed, and by the time I found out about it I missed the chance to vote! Seems the rabid DeanGirls and SamGirls banded together andRead more…
Supernatural: And So It Begins…
We all knew it was coming. There is something up with our Darling Sammy, and this episode we saw a most disturbing sight: Sammy looking on while Dean was turned into a vamp. I haven’t yelled that much at theRead more…
Supernatural: Weekend at Bobby’s
Y’all know I watch this show first and foremost for The Pretty, so I was a little miffed at the beginning of this episode when I realized it was gonna be a Bobby episode. Don’t get me wrong, I loveRead more…
Supernatural: Cas Makes Three
Now that was a lot of goodness! Naked!Dean, Naked!Sam, the boys in suits, disgustingly gross deaths, shiny black cars, hilarity and Castiel. I am a happy woman. While the past season or so of Supernatural was pretty good, one ofRead more…