It’s the family reunion we’ve all been waiting for, and it doesn’t disappoint. Can I bitch about spending too much time with the annoying teenagers of Lebanon, KS in the beginning of this episode? Can I complain about how theRead more…
Supernatural: Grandpa Winchester!
It was nice meeting John Winchester’s dad, even if it did nothing but cause more angst for those beautiful Winchester brothers! Plus, a potentially new super-secret lair for the boys, which could be AWESOME in a Warehouse 13 kinda way,Read more…
Warehouse 13: Scavenger Hunt
As sad as I was to see Eureka end its run this summer, that’s how happy I was to get Warehouse 13 back on my TV. The only thing they really have in common is the light-heartedness of a SummerRead more…
Alcatraz! & Touch
My DVR most likely hates me. It does its duty, and does it well, but I just keep adding more and more shows to it. I wouldn’t be surprized if it slides itself off the television one night and stranglesRead more…
Supernatural: Another Time Travel, Another God…
Dear Supernatural, I hate episodes where those shiny Winchester brothers are separated almost the whole time. Please cease and desist with these storylines and let those boys hunt together as intended. Love and Kisses, Erika Ahem. 🙂 I am gonnaRead more…
Fringe: A big freakin’ cup of awesome
Every Tuesday night, I sit with my laptop, futzing around on the Internet while watching Fringe. I knew I’d like it – it is J.J. Abrams, after all – but the first couple of episodes promised to be as infuriatinglyRead more…