Before I start down the sad and depressing road that is “Torn and Frayed” I wold like to give props to whomever is picking the music for this season’s soundtrack. It is keeping with the classic rock vibe, but usingRead more…
Supernatural: Castiel & Benny
The eighth episode of the season, “Hunteri, Heroici” is a silly little piece that basically gives the writers an excuse to tell us Sam’s schmoopy flashback story, which I don’t really care about because it is SO SCHMOOPY. Ugh. WhyRead more…
Supernatural: Playing Catch-Up
I am so far behind… luckily, Sandy is wreaking havoc with our schedule today, so I have some time to blather about Supernatural. The second eppy of the the season, “What’s Up, Tiger Mommy?” introduced us to ProphetKev’s momma, whoRead more…