So, by the end of the episode, we have a spell, but hoo-boy, it’s one doozy! Although they got the ingredients for the Mark of Cane spell right quick back in season 10, so maybe those four ingredients won’t beRead more…
Supernatural: The Ruler of Heaven
Then! Castiel and Lucifer escape Asmodeus’ prison! Lucy stabs Cass! Cass stabs Lucy! Sam and Dean reunited with Rowena and shenanigans sort of ensued! Donatello is the current prophet of God! Now! Lucifer is wandering around some town in Missouri,Read more…
Supernatural: Here A Witch, There A Witch
Guess who’s back! Also, Amanda Tapping (Naomi from season 8) directed this episode! Then! Rowena helped the Winchesters get the Black Grimoire. Lucifer burned Rowena to death. Asmodeus jailed Castiel and Lucifer. Now! A dude named Dale walks into aRead more…
Supernatural: Donna
If they are going to bring Wayward Sisters to series – which I would be shocked if they don’t – they have to get Donna to Sioux Falls. This episode is the way to do it. At first I thoughtRead more…
Supernatural: Welcome to the Multiverse
So far this season, we have Jack, the son of Lucifer; Asmodeus, the last Prince of Hell; Lucifer escaping the Apocalypse world; Mamma Winchester still trapped; the AU Michael; Mr Ketch is alive; Castiel escaped from The Empty; Billie theRead more…
Supernatural: Dollar Store Indiana Jones Crap
After last week’s bomb dropping episode, this one feels a little thin, but that’s okay! We did learn some things, though, like the fact that Dean doesn’t like spiders. So there’s that!! The episode starts in England at the CambridgeRead more…
Supernatural: Team Free Will 2.0
Not nearly enough Dean and Sam hugging Castiel! Lots of talk talk talk, and not enough hugging! Ah well, wouldn’t want to give the Destiel and Samstiel shippers too much to work with, I guess. Everyone seems to beRead more…
Supernatural: Advanced Thanatology
Is it just me, or has season 13 been super good so far? The dark stuff is super creepy, and the fun, light stuff is grounded in the joy we get from having gone on such a long journey withRead more…
Supernatural: My Two Dads
HI!! Since about season 8 or so of Supernatural, I have myself a very small anxiety moment, worrying that this will finally be the season that they screw the whole thing up. And this season, lucky number 13, was noRead more…
Supernatural: It’s A Horror Show
The people who are writing this season, a crew that is mostly new considering the show has been on for 12 seasons, are doing a smashing job of honoring the massive history of the show, but also letting it breathRead more…