Where do I start with this? We continue the willful forgetting of Castiel’s powers (He has checked several people for their souls, show!), and the whiplash pace of defeating potential Big Bads, leading to the rising power of Jack, andRead more…
Supernatural: Lying Is Fine/Lying Is Bad
There is no way I can do this recap without talking about the big announcement. I’m gonna post the video, because those boys are super emotional, and it needs to be seen, but I am still a little not ableRead more…
Supernatural: Bye Bye Felix
The record is clear: I do not appreciate when the show keeps Sam and Dean apart for whole episodes. That being said, I am kind of enjoying Sam and Castiel out hunting together, so the show gets a pass. Read more…
Supernatural: One Thing Leads To Another
Listen, after the big 300th family reunion, and the very emotional episodes before that, we were due for a let-down of sorts. After such an excellent run, this latest episode fell a little flat for me, which is a shame,Read more…
Supernatural: 300, Bitches!!
It’s the family reunion we’ve all been waiting for, and it doesn’t disappoint. Can I bitch about spending too much time with the annoying teenagers of Lebanon, KS in the beginning of this episode? Can I complain about how theRead more…
Supernatural: Sammy For The Win (For Now)
As is the way of Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner – the credited writers of “Prophet and Loss” – this episode is full of plot sledgehammers. These guys have been around since the early days of Supernatural, so they knowRead more…
Supernatural: Melancholy
THEN! Nick is super kill-y, and kinda super loves it. Michael is trapped inside Dean’s mind cage. Billie delivers a bombshell in a slim tome. NOW! Nick is looking for Abraxis – the demon who killed his family – andRead more…
Supernatural: “I’m The Cage”
What an episode, amirite?? This changes the tone of the whole season, and that is awesome. And while I have a few nitpicks with some of the things that have occurred this season (Castiel totally would have seen thatRead more…
Supernatural: Soul Savers
THEN! Pretty sure the show wants us to remember Lilly Sunder! NOW! Jack’s last words are “Then it’s gonna be an adventure.” and dies with a smile on his face. Sam, Dean and Castiel take it very hard. Three menRead more…
Supernatural: Jack’s Day Out
Before I get to “Unhuman Nature”, a few words about episode 6, “Optimism.” As always, I hate it when Sam and Dean are separated, and they are separated for pretty much the whole thing. Sam is on a stakeout withRead more…