I would like to start with the news that Netflix finally has all six seasons of Supernatural on Instant Play, and while I am thrilled to have that kind of access to those Wonderful Winchesters (and Papa Winchester too!), theyRead more…
Supernatural: Send In The Clowns (Sorry Sammy)
That was fun! I had to rewind through the credits to see if that was an Edlund episode I enjoyed it so much! (it wasn’t) And a big Thank You to the THEN previously monkeys who confirmed my suspicion thatRead more…
Supernatural: It’s A Girl!
Honestly, could things get more bleak? That was the most depressing.thing.evar! This, however, does not mean I didn’t like it, because I did, but there was a part of me that wanted to jump in front of Sam’s gun thereRead more…
Supernatural: Another Time Travel, Another God…
Dear Supernatural, I hate episodes where those shiny Winchester brothers are separated almost the whole time. Please cease and desist with these storylines and let those boys hunt together as intended. Love and Kisses, Erika Ahem. I am gonnaRead more…
Supernatural: A Turducken Slammer & Other Awful Things
NaNoWriMo and then a five-day trip to Toronto got me all backed up over here. Sometimes I don’t write when I hate an episode, but I liked both “How to Win Friends” and “Death’s Door”, so let’s get to it,Read more…
Supernatural: “When Crazy Groupies Attack”
I should be writing for NaNoWriMo, but I am procrastinating and doing this instead. Let’s begin!! I happen to like it when Supernatural makes fun of itself and its fans, so even though this was what some would call aRead more…
Supernatural: Cautious Optimism
I have been to Lily Dale (it was just down the road from my college, SUNY Fredonia), and that my friends, was no Lily Dale. Luckily, I know Supernatural is shot in Vancouver, and they did a fine job withRead more…
Supernatural: Air Supply FTW!
The two previous episodes were so depressing and boring for the most part, that I couldn’t even be bothered. So imagine my utter delight when I hit the PLAY button on my DVR to watch this baby, and laughed andRead more…
Supernatural: Well That Was Easy!
This episode was directed by the lovely and talented Jensen Ackles! Too bad the writers gave him a lame-o story that is a rehash of the Sammy’s Love Kills All trope. Sheesh, thanks a lot guys. Remember last week whenRead more…
Supernatural: Lucifer & The Leviathans
Welcome to season seven of Supernatural!! Our new title card is a bleak black and white that I first thought may be a comment on the blighted condition of our heroes, and then I thought perhaps it was lettingRead more…