Listen, this was a really tough episode! Lots of unexpected deaths, and some really emotional moments, and it was so great! I was hoping they would bring the drama for the final season, and this eppy brought it. THEN! LotsRead more…
Supernatural: Welcome To The End
Season 15 y’all!!!! Once again I didn’t recap the finale, because reasons. I kept thinking about it as news began trickling out over the summer about the final season. And I watched the finale right before I watched the firstRead more…
Supernatural: The Gang’s All Here
I almost had the recap done, and then BOOM, everything is gone. So, here is a quickie recap, because I don’t have the time or energy to do the whole thing again. Everyone is in the AU world!! Even anRead more…
Supernatural: The One We’ve Been Waiting For
Do not ever put money down on my Supernatural predictions, as I am almost always wrong. I figured the AU storyline would be wrapped up this week, instead, that one was expanded, and our little Colonel Sanders of a devilRead more…
Supernatural: A Seal, Some Grace, and A Big, Fat Rift (Or Two!)
It was only a few episodes ago that the beautiful boys got the ingredients for opening a door to the AU, and now they end the episode with Mr. Ketch and Dean walking through. That all happened really quickly! That’sRead more…
Supernatural: The Ruler of Heaven
Then! Castiel and Lucifer escape Asmodeus’ prison! Lucy stabs Cass! Cass stabs Lucy! Sam and Dean reunited with Rowena and shenanigans sort of ensued! Donatello is the current prophet of God! Now! Lucifer is wandering around some town in Missouri,Read more…
Supernatural: Friends and Enemies
This episode addresses almost all the moving parts of the season, and adds another one or two in the process. There’s so much! Where do I begin??? The AU! Michael has imprisoned Lucifer and after seeing the gloriousness of ourRead more…
Supernatural: It’s A Horror Show
The people who are writing this season, a crew that is mostly new considering the show has been on for 12 seasons, are doing a smashing job of honoring the massive history of the show, but also letting it breathRead more…
Supernatural: Someone Else’s Family Business Isn’t So Great, Is It?
Yesterday I found out that S.E. Hinton is a huge Supernatural fan. Like, super-duper fangirly visits the set twice a year, been in an episode, WRITES FANFICTION kind of fangirl. HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS? I am soRead more…
Supernatural: Dammit! Mick!
I have not had much time this week, and I almost didn’t write a recap, because I got a life going on here, and I do this for fun, but a lot happened, and how was I to go onRead more…