Listen, this was a really tough episode! Lots of unexpected deaths, and some really emotional moments, and it was so great! I was hoping they would bring the drama for the final season, and this eppy brought it. THEN! LotsRead more…
Supernatural: Nothing But Bad
The title of this week’s episode, “Jack In The Box”, is pretty on the nose, but I imagine it gets hard to name episodes after 14 seasons, so I will allow it! THEN! Jack done messed up! NOW! They boysRead more…
Supernatural: Soul Savers
THEN! Pretty sure the show wants us to remember Lilly Sunder! NOW! Jack’s last words are “Then it’s gonna be an adventure.” and dies with a smile on his face. Sam, Dean and Castiel take it very hard. Three menRead more…
Supernatural: I Love Our Death
Then! Falling angels, Billie is Death, and Gabriel peaced out. Now! Dean and Castiel are in the bunker’s kitchen, trying to will a good idea on how to find arch angels grace, ideally Gabriel’s grace. They are trying really hard.Read more…
Supernatural: Wonder Twin Powers, Activate
Then! Castiel has gone to Heaven Dagon, Prince of Hell, has her hands on Kellie Kline, the Baby Momma of Lucifer’s babe. Sam and Dean have The Colt. Now! Kellie, super sad about her situation, decides to off herself whileRead more…
Supernatural: Dean’s Day Off
Even though I hate it when Sam and Dean are separated, this episode gave us a lot. Plus, Bobby! THEN: Bobby died! Metatron stole Castiel’s grace! Rowena was annoying! NOW: Bobby is in Heaven, listening to Kenny Rogers, drinking whiskeyRead more…
Supernatural: Ghosties
A welcome trope of this show is the return of beloved characters who have passed on to the other realm. This past episode we got a little closure from the poor, put-upon prophet Kevin Tran. Also, extra added goodness withRead more…
Supernatural: Easy!
Would it surprize you that sometimes I watch old episodes of Supernatural just for fun? No? Well, I was watching some season two eppys on Netflix, and guess who showed up in “Bloodlust”? Our angsty little vamp, Benny. And heRead more…
Supernatural: Oh Castiel…
I am generally not amused by a show suddenly adding an episode that is hampered by narration, but it’s Castiel, who is the sweetest little angel on earth, so I’ll let it slide, because that voice could melt.. well… stuff.Read more…
Supernatural: Frontierland!
This episode gets a hearty HEE! and a little Phew! for letting the boys win in the end. For a second there, I thought it was gonna be another Fail for those pretty, pretty boys, and I was gonna beRead more…