I watch a lot of shows on The CW. Like, most of them. I am not a millennial, the network’s desired demographic, so it’s sometimes odd that I watch so many of their shows. Whatever. I do what I want.Read more…
Supernatural: Episodes 9 & 10, aka I Love Lucy
I am not one to brag, but I do get excited when I call something, even if it was apparently obvious to lots of people, not just me. Anyhoo, I posited that Sammy’s visions were Lucifer, not God, a coupleRead more…
Supernatural: They’re Not Called The Lose-Chesters
Full disclosure: I am using this recap as part of my word count for NaNoWriMo, because all writing counts this month. THEN Amara is growing up fast; Metatron has the Demon Tablet; New Rules: No killing people; Castiel isRead more…
Supernatural: The Bad Seed (aka: The One Where Jensen Directs)
DIRECTING GIFS! Because I love gifs!!! This was a very Supernatural-y episode, wasn’t it? It had funny stuff and horrifying stuff and snarky stuff and BigBad stuff and road-tripping stuff and most of all, it had those two beautiful boysRead more…
Supernatural: Saving People (Well, Some Of Them, Anyway)
I just want to start with a small complaint. I have hated the music used in these first two episodes, and I hope it was just new music trying to convey the depth and gravity of The Darkness, which itRead more…
Supernatural: Season 11! (Episode 1)
Well! That was new. I am beyond thrilled to have the boys back on my TV. Honestly, after season 3, I would have never ever guessed we would be here at the beginning of season 11. That’s just crazy. (CanRead more…
Supernatural: The Darkness
Before I say anything, jut look at this picture. Not only are those boys as beautiful as ever, and looking sweet sitting in the Impala, but Sammy’s hair looks awesome. Much better than season 10 Sammy hair. Good job, guys.Read more…
Supernatural: Here Come The (Franken) Stynes
Time to say another sad goodbye. Thanks a lot, Supernatural. But first! I can’t help but wonder, is this rain storm crew made or nature made? I am guessing that filming in a downpour like this would be problematic unlessRead more…
Supernatural: Who Wrote This?
Every season of SPN, we get at least one dud. I know it’s hard to admit, but there is no way we can have 22 episodes of Winchester perfection. Not only was this one not great, but the format wasRead more…
Supernatural: Oh, Hello Cain!
Timothy Omundson is awesome. Anyone who regularly watches television has run across him at some point, and he is always great.Most recently seen as the hilarious King Richard on Galavant, I have fond memories of his take as Phil Constantino, theRead more…