I’ll say one thing for sure, Jared, Jensen and Misha are BRINGING IT this season. It’s very nice to see our boys give it all they got at the end of this, knowing how invested we all are. Well done!Read more…
Supernatural: Nothing But Bad
The title of this week’s episode, “Jack In The Box”, is pretty on the nose, but I imagine it gets hard to name episodes after 14 seasons, so I will allow it! THEN! Jack done messed up! NOW! They boysRead more…
Supernatural: The Historical Preservation Society
Once again, it is National Novel Writing Month, and I figured there would be one episode of Supernatural that wouldn’t get the full recap (or whatever it is I’m doing here), and this is the one! Not because I didn’tRead more…
Supernatural: Michael is Dean, Dean is Michael
Welcome to season 14!!! First off, here is Samantha Highfill of Ew interview of Jared and Jensen where everyone is super cute. As we all know, at the end of season 13, Dean let Michael jump aboard, and together they tookRead more…
Supernatural: The Gang’s All Here
I almost had the recap done, and then BOOM, everything is gone. So, here is a quickie recap, because I don’t have the time or energy to do the whole thing again. Everyone is in the AU world!! Even anRead more…
Supernatural: Delightfully Creepy
When I heard Bobby and Rufus were returning for this week’s episode, I had no idea it would be so delightful. Robbie Thompson does it again, taking pieces of the show’s history and incorporating it into the show in anRead more…
Supernatural: Dean’s Day Off
Even though I hate it when Sam and Dean are separated, this episode gave us a lot. Plus, Bobby! THEN: Bobby died! Metatron stole Castiel’s grace! Rowena was annoying! NOW: Bobby is in Heaven, listening to Kenny Rogers, drinking whiskeyRead more…
Supernatural: Who Wrote This?
Every season of SPN, we get at least one dud. I know it’s hard to admit, but there is no way we can have 22 episodes of Winchester perfection. Not only was this one not great, but the format wasRead more…
Supernatural: Easy!
Would it surprize you that sometimes I watch old episodes of Supernatural just for fun? No? Well, I was watching some season two eppys on Netflix, and guess who showed up in “Bloodlust”? Our angsty little vamp, Benny. And heRead more…
Supernatural: Becoming the Elders
This week’s episode was nice enough. What looked like a nice older hunter (Victor) taking in a bunch of scarred teenagers and teaching them hunting, while nurturing them and making them go to school, is really a bitter old hunterRead more…