My first thought? I hate Dean in brown plaid. But that has nothing to do with anything, does it? This episode is where Sam takes the reins, and strongarms Dean into his way of thinking. It’s very dramatic! THEN! JackRead more…
Supernatural: A Tale Of Two Road Trips
THEN! Death has a plan, and Amara gave the boys Mom back. Sam and Dean realize that both Chuck and Amara need to die. NOW! Dr. Sexy, MD is running a soup kitchen! His daughter, Sylvia, is also there, alongRead more…
Supernatural: Welcome To The End
Season 15 y’all!!!! Once again I didn’t recap the finale, because reasons. I kept thinking about it as news began trickling out over the summer about the final season. And I watched the finale right before I watched the firstRead more…
Supernatural: And You Thought Your Family Was A Mess, Dean Winchester
I cannot help but to think what fun those boys had working those scenes together. Jensen and Jared, playing their Dean and Sam as strongly as ever, and Misha and Rob playing long time characters with a twist. Knowing theRead more…
Supernatural: Oh, God, Part One
I have been saying all season that I didn’t want this show to go there. I wanted God to remain mysterious, the one character that we never actually meet. And then I heard that Rob Benedict was coming back andRead more…
Supernatural: The Art of Dyeing
Happy Valentines Day, y’all! After this episode, it really does feel like Jeremy Carver told the writing staff to rewatch seasons 1-5 over their summer break. And to add to the delight of this season so far, we get aRead more…
Supernatural: Episodes 9 & 10, aka I Love Lucy
I am not one to brag, but I do get excited when I call something, even if it was apparently obvious to lots of people, not just me. Anyhoo, I posited that Sammy’s visions were Lucifer, not God, a coupleRead more…
Supernatural: They’re Not Called The Lose-Chesters
Full disclosure: I am using this recap as part of my word count for NaNoWriMo, because all writing counts this month. THEN Amara is growing up fast; Metatron has the Demon Tablet; New Rules: No killing people; Castiel isRead more…
Supernatural: Not Lizzie Borden
Once again, it is November, which means I am busy typing like crazy doing National Novel Writing Month. It is great fun, you should try it! But! This means that my Supernatural recaps suffer a bit. Like this week, whenRead more…
Supernatural: The Bad Seed (aka: The One Where Jensen Directs)
DIRECTING GIFS! Because I love gifs!!! This was a very Supernatural-y episode, wasn’t it? It had funny stuff and horrifying stuff and snarky stuff and BigBad stuff and road-tripping stuff and most of all, it had those two beautiful boysRead more…