Supernatural: The Historical Preservation Society

Once again, it is National Novel Writing Month, and I figured there would be one episode of Supernatural that wouldn’t get the full recap (or whatever it is I’m doing here), and this is the one! Not because I didn’t like it, but because this thing is kinda twisty (and fun), and I think that it will take me a million years to recap it correctly, when all you really, really need is Dean, after he is showered in dead ghoul dust.


Good stuff.

Anyway, I actually liked this episode better on the second viewing. That happens sometimes.

Stuff That Caught My Interest:

  • Bobby and Mary do have something going on… or did… and maybe will again after a few weeks in Donna’s cabin in the woods?
  • They made a concerted effort to remind us that this Bobby isn’t our Bobby by bringing in his dead son, which makes the whole Mary/Bobby thing less weird, but only a little. It’s hard to make him Not Our Bobby in my head.
  • I hope all Historical Preservation Societies have members as cute as Sam and Dean.
  • I figured out it was a djinn as soon as Sam pulled that needle out of Maggie’s neck. Ew.
  • Dean trying to get Sasha out of the room by asking her to make him a sandwich, and how much he hated saying it. So good.
  • Micheal has not only souped-up all the monsters, but is setting traps for hunters. Brilliant! But terrible for our crew.
  • Sometimes a current episode of SPN makes me want to watch an old one. One of my favorites was referenced here, season’s 2s “What Is And What Should Never Be”


Sasha (to Sam): “You hunt monsters?”  Dean (entering room): “Oh, good. You told them.”

Sam: “Uh, Maggie was working a lead. Kids online said they were studying when — and I quote — ‘a walker tried to end them.’ It’s a zombie — a “Walking Dead” thing –”  Dean: “I know what a walker is, Sam.”

Dean: “You okay?”  Sasha: “Well, my father’s dying, and there’s a strange man sharpening a machete to presumably kill monsters with in my living room. Thank God for benzos. I never should have come back here. Thanks, Dad.” (Dean has really become a good advice giver to fellow humans with Daddy issues.)

Next! CHARLIE!!! Yay!!