Well, its been a while!
I have rewatched the first 13 episodes of this season, because this year has been a hundred years long, and I honestly could not remember a lot of what happened.
A lot of fan service happened, and I have exactly ZERO problem with this. The fans of this show deserve a little fun, even if with every exciting feeling we get when a beloved character pops up, that character inevitably ends up with some kind of horrible or sad thing happen to them! (Poor Kevin!) (And Becky!!)
Anyway, the last episode that aired way back in the way back was chock full of fan service, including visits from Genevieve Padalecki’s Ruby, and Rachel Miner’s much loved Meg. Add in Danneel Ackles, and the whole thing had a big time family vibe that is just fine by me.
And then!

Doppelganger Sam & Dean also give us a few laughs, and I can’t help wonder if they will get back into the mix at some point, even though Dean sent them off to Brazil for taking Baby out for a spin.
The long and short of it, after a wild goose chase, and a rare win for Castiel, is that Jack has gotten his soul back after a visit to The Garden. We end this episode with Jack begging Dean for forgiveness, and even cold-hearted Dean looks like he’s about to crack.
So now we are poised for the final seven episodes, and this time there will be no stopping it!
I have all the feels. I am excited to see where they take us, but I will miss having the Winchesters in my home every week.
Anyway!! Here’s the recap video for the first part of the season.
And the trailer for the remaining episodes! Buckle up, kiddos, we’re in for a RIDE!