There is no way I can do this recap without talking about the big announcement. I’m gonna post the video, because those boys are super emotional, and it needs to be seen, but I am still a little not able to watch it, because I am way more upset over this show ending than I expected.
I mean, if watching Jared trying like crazy to NOT cry doesn’t break your heart, nothing will!!
So, as much as I love writing these recaps, and let’s be clear, I write them mostly for me, there are just some weeks that I never seem to be able to get them done. I’m not sure I have ever done a season finale recap, because once the season is over, I kinda forget all about writing them.
ANYWAY – My point is, that I am going to miss recapping this show, and I am gonna miss the adventures of my favorite brothers, and this show means more to me than I even admitted to myself. And even though there are very few episodes to go before it is all over, sometimes I still cannot get it together to write a proper recap. But I will be happy to tell you all about my feelings in the weeks and months to come. Because we all have feelings about this, don’t we?
This is one of those weeks. The combo of the gut-punch news of this show finally having a firm end date, pulling double duty at my actual job this week, being knees-deep in my Game of Thrones rewatch (I have a little over a week, and I am only halfway through season 5!), and my brain deciding that staying awake until 2am or later is the best thing right now (!!), I just don’t have it in me. And this episode was pretty good!
You know how much I like it when Sam and Dean go out on a hunt, just the two of them. This doesn’t happen nearly enough anymore, and I hope they give us some more of this next season. I love the mythology stuff, but Sam and Dean, just being Sam and Dean, is ultimately why I watch. (See? I cannot help but put all of this in the new context of it almost being the end of everything.)
Our beautiful boys go tromping through the forest, after a girl is attacked by… something. This is a pretty standard monster hunt, but the conversation with the Sheriff of this town is one that we haven’t really addressed in this show after all these years, and that’s, Why Aren’t We Telling Folks About Monsters And How To Kill Them?
Excellent question, show!
But Sam is super moody these days, and he gives a definitive “No.” to the idea of putting stuff up on YouTube, because people always die, even people who know what’s what. I know that Sammy is upset about the hunters he was unable to protect, but he needs to get a grip, because what happened was not his fault. /MyTwoCents
Jack is sent to the grocery by Dean, and runs into the teens we met in Lebanon during the 300th eppy. They quickly befriend Jack, pleasing Elliott most of all, because he has been binging “Ghostfacers” episodes on his phone and is really really into learning about monsters. Watching Jack interact with these kids is cute, and the joy on his face to have found some friends is so wonderful. Which makes his fall from grace so awful.
He is the perfect example of a child who gets too excited impressing everyone, and when Stacy starts to get freaked out by Jack flinging his angel blade all willy nilly, she panics, and as she tries to run off, get stabbed! Everyone freaks out!!
Jack uses his powers to heal her, but everyone is totally freaked out, and tells him to go away forever, cause that kinda stuff ain’t cool! (paraphrasing)
When Sam and Dean get back to the bunker, they decide they should tell Jack the real reason they didn’t bring him on the trip, his powers are not so stable, and they need to get a grip on them before he starts shooting them off out in the world. You know, like the last couple of times. Jack is all, yeah, that seems like a good idea. Then Sam is all, So, anything happen while we were away? Jack lies, and says that everything was super boring!
If one of those kids doesn’t upload a video of what happened in that backyard, I will eat my hat. My money is on Max, as she seems like just the type. And then all hell will break loose! (Remember, my predictions are always wrong, so, grain of salt, ya’ll!!)
So, a pretty standard Supernatural episode, with a few little interesting bits. It was good! I was especially tickled by this exchange, and am gonna be sad when everything goes down the crapper, because everyone is so cute with Jack. He’s like a puppy.
Next! Let’s see what Nick’s been up to!