Pretty sure the show wants us to remember Lilly Sunder!
Jack’s last words are “Then it’s gonna be an adventure.” and dies with a smile on his face. Sam, Dean and Castiel take it very hard. Three men and a nephilim baby, amirite!!
After Sam bails, Dean and Cass run after him, thinking Sam is gonna do something rash. Turns out, he’s just lumberjacking in the woods, trying to get some logs for a pyre, but his big moose hands break the hatchet before he gets very far. Everyone is sad.
Instead of crying in the woods, the boys decide to get lit, and they polish off several bottles of booze in the bunker’s kitchen, while Jack’s dead body molders in some room down the hall.
The ease of these men to function, while a body of a loved one is steps away, should be troubling, but we know, I know, that being dead never stopped anyone on this show. So as the audience, I don’t feel the sorrow for Jack, as much as I wonder how they will figure out getting him back on his feet.
Dean wakes up on the kitchen table among the detritus of the night before, and wanders toward the voices in the main room. Dean is the only one who seems to be hungover, by the way. Dean was the last one up drinking, and Cass has to drink A LOT to get drunk, and I bet Sam is one of those drinkers that is able to make it seem he is keeping up with everyone, but it actually pacing himself. So Dean. Hungover.
Somehow, Cass and Sam have gotten Lily Sunder – now an old lady due to her giving up the magiks – to the bunker to help them bring back Jack.
Lily is willing to use her magic to super charge Jack’s soul, but she wants an express pass to Heaven, seeing as she killed an awful lot of angels trying to avenge her daughter’s death.
After some fun back and forth between the boys over who is in charge of who gets into Heaven these days, they finally land on Anubis, the soul accountant of Heaven – now that God has vamoosed – and get to summoning him.
In the meantime, Jack is wandering around Heaven, where he finds his momma, Kelly Kline. They let her into Heaven? Even though she birthed the son of Lucifer?? Well, all righty then!
(Yes, she was tricked into it, but she carried it to term, and I know how the angels feel about Lucifer, but since things are so dire up there, and she was a devout person, not aborting the abomination and all, I guess her getting in makes sense. I just needed to work it out for myself.)
This visit with Kelly is very nice for Jack, as he finally gets to meet his mom! He’s very sweet about being dead, making sure Kelly knows that Cass did his best.
Castiel heads off to a Heaven that is broadcasting a distress signal. Getting in should be easy, as all the gates are open too. Ruh-roh!
Dean, ever the skeptic, wants to know why Lilly isn’t still using her magic to keep herself young. She explains that now that Isham is dead, and she miraculously still has a sliver of her soul left, she wants to be with her daughter in Heaven.
Dean understands. If anyone would understand, it would be Dean, dont’cha know.
Cass gets to Heaven, which is covered in a black goo, a few maybe dead angels, and flickering lights. He finds Duma, freaked out with some of her very own goo, and she implores Cass to take her with him. They find Jack’s starting point, and run into Naomi, who tells them that the Shadow – the ruler of The Empty – has stormed the gates looking for Jack. Naomi is happy to hand over Jack if it means saving the billions of souls in Heaven. The black goo attacks Naomi, and Cass and Duma run!
Sam and Dean summon Anubis, and he is kind of pissed. Going against protocol, he agrees to test Lily with the Abacus of Judgement, and as we all could have guessed, she is doomed for Hell.
Sam and Dean try to threaten the accountant to let her in, but he can’t do anything about it, since our choices are the only thing that decide our fates. Our Choices, people!
Cass finds Jack hanging with his Ma, and everyone gets hugs! Cass tells Jack the soul plan, and fills them in on The Empty.
Duma enters, and she’s been possessed by the Shadow this whole time!! Hoping Cass would lead her to Jack! Tricky, that one.
As Lily starts to leave the bunker, Dean gives her a big ol’ guilt trip, poking at the losing-a-child thing to get her to stay. She hesitates.
Dammit, Dean! He really gave me all the feels this episode.
The Shadow is pissed at Castiel! Cass not only woke him/her*, but is the only one to escape The Empty! Understandable!
Lily decides to help after all, and while she prepares the spell as she stands over Jack’s corpse, Dean prays to Cass, letting him know they’re ready.
Cass and Jack try to fight the Shadow, and then Cass drops the bomb: He will go back to The Empty, just like the Shadow wants, and she takes the deal, but with one caveat. She’s gonna wait to take him. Wait until he is happy and content, with the sun shining on his face, and then she will take him, to maximize the hurt.
Cas agrees, and once the Shadow leaves, Cass tells Jack to not tell our beautiful boys about the deal. Jack promises to keep his secret, but I imagine Jack won’t be able to keep that promise for long.(That’s my cynicism peeking though. I am terrible at predicting what will happen next on this show!)
Jack and Kelly say their goodbyes, and Cass brings him back to the bunker, and BOOM, Jack is re-souled!
Jack reads the end of the spell, his eyes flare, and he is reborn!!!
He feels good!
Dean with the hugs and the love, and excuse me whilst I dab the tears from my eyes.
As the boys turn thank Lily, we see she has died. Fade in to Anubis’ office, where Lily gets to try her abacus luck one more time. Seems sacrificing the last bit of her soul to save Jack’s life has changed her fate. Oh baby, she’s in!!
Cass runs into Naomi on the way out of heaven, and she wants to reward him for helping them save Heaven, even if he only did it for his own, selfish reasons. Seems as though she knows where Michael is! Dean will be so happy! (Cass loves to make the WInchesters happy!)
All the boys sit at the kitchen table – like a family (awwww) – eating burgers, happy for the first time in an age. Cheers!
Jack: Sam what happens next for someone like me? Sam: I don’t know. Jack: Then it’s gonna be an adventure. *dies*
Sam: Yeah, the — the weighing of the heart ceremony, right, but that wasn’t Anubis. That was Osiris. We met him. Dean: Major dick.
Anubis: Mm. The brothers Winchester. I must say, your files have come across my desk many times. Sam: We never met? I mean, we’ve died. Dean: Yeah. A lot. Anubis: I’m more of a ‘back of the house’ kind of guy. Death and her subordinates get all the face time. I get stuck with the paperwork. Dean: Pushin’ pencils, damning souls. Tough work.
Jack: We didn’t get enough time. Kelly: Shh. It’s okay. Go. Have a great life. I’ll be waiting. I love you so much.
Heading into the Winter finale, or whatever they call the annual holiday hiatus’ these days, I am thinking that this season has been a little Jack heavy, which is fine, I like Jack, but I am hoping that it gets a little Winchester heavy once they are back. I am not convinced that Andrew Dabb has a plan, but maybe I will be proven wrong.
We have the 300th episode to look forward to. I am not in the spoiler business, so I won’t mention some of the things I have heard about the 300th, but I think some of it is a long time coming. Also, I don’t really know that much, so NO SPOILERS.
NEXT! Michael and her cronies (Arch Angels don’t care about gender!), and Christmas!
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* I am guessing the Shadow doesn’t have a gender, and I will refer to them according to the vessel we are seeing them in. Or I’ll just keep using Them/They? We shall see.