AKA – That Plan Was Only Marginally Better Than The Last One.
THEN! God is in the building, his sister is mad, a new prophet, a dead scribe, and an angry puppy (Lucifer).
NOW! Lucifer is pretty angry at his dad, and continues the running joke of the visitors to the bunker snaking Dean’s stuff (Chuck “borrowed” Dean’s robe and laptop – obviously without asking first), by hiding out in his room and playing really loud music. Hee (see: my teen years). So, after a nice breakfast of Chuck-made pancakes, Sam and Dean set up the world’s worst therapy session between Chuck and Lucifer. At least at first. But once Chuck takes Sam and Dr. Phil out of the conversation, he finally says the things that Lucifer has been waiting to hear. It’s a nice father/son moment of Awww’s, and all is well. After some mumbo jumbo about how they don’t have enough time to rebuild Gabriel and Raphael to help in re-caging Amara, Sam, Dean and Casifer head out to gather the team, such as it is.
Oh, and there is a relevant and amusing conversation between Dean and Casifer and Sam about how Dean is not all that jazzed about killing “His Girlfriend.” Casifer cuts right to the quick, and Sam, fresh off his fog-induced confession that he’s worried that Dean will choose Amara over him, asks Dean, point blank, if any of this “girlfriend” stuff is true. Once again, in line with this season’s version of The Winchesters, Dean admits that an already dead Amara is preferable to his killing her. A great departure from the Kill The Evil mantra that Dean Winchester is known for. And again, can you blame Amara for picking Dean to be her hunny bunny? Nah, neither can I.
Time to gather the troops, and they smartly send Dean to sweet talk Crowley, who, like the rest of us, can’t resist that beautiful boy. Crowley has been rebuffed by his demon horde due to repeated shenanigans, and Dean convinces Crowley that this will show them that he really is still a bad ass.
The Giant, Sam, is off to recruit Rowena, who has been recruiting her own coven to send themselves back in time to give themselves a few more hundred years before the end of everything. Helped by Clea, the main witch Rowena has approached, liking the idea of fighting instead of turning to run, Sam withholds a pig’s jaw from Rowena until she agrees to join the fight.
And then, Lucifer heads up to heaven to recruit the angels, and he lets Castiel out to speak. Awww, I have missed Cas So. Much. Cas’ speech does the trick, and then he is packed away again as the players meet in some remote warehouse type place, and Chuck solidifies the plan as the players amusingly squabble about who is more important, and who is more impotent.
Amara sucks the soul of our newest prophet to find out where everyone is camped out, and bye-bye Donatello, we hardly knew ya’. Amara burns off the warding on the bunker as she enters, only to find the place vacated.
The God Squad has assembled, and the plan is laid out. And this is where I am gonna interject my tiny little issue with the show since the angels and Heaven have become major players. Sam and Dean sitting by and watching. Yes, Sammy is willing to hero it up and take on the Mark of Cain, and Dean has plenty to say, but when we get to places like this in the story, it certainly makes Sam and Dean look… puny in comparison. And because Sam and Dean are ultimately mere mortals (albeit ones with a lot of super powered back-up), they spend a lot of this episode kind of hanging around the edges. I understand why, but it rankles me just a wee little bit. I come for the beautiful boys, show!
The battle begins and the witches are first: Rowena and her coven knock Amara with some pink lightening that just leaves her a little bruised. Amara shoots their magic back on witches, killing the coven and knocking Rowena out cold.
The angels and demons: A big smite from Heaven’s angels, and a swirly tornado of demons, distract Amara so Crowley can smoke out and knock her on her ass. She is weakened and scarred.
Lucifer: A big ol’ stab in the back with some spear of some sort? Is it a Hand of God, or just some random weapon? We may never know, but in her weakened state, this seems to bring Amara to her knees, and she all but admits defeat to her brother.
Chuck and Amara have it out, a little he said/she said, a lot brother and sister. Chuck begins the transfer of the Mark of Cain to Sammy. Once Amara realizes that she isn’t going to be killed (which she seemed sort of fine with, quite frankly), but caged up yet again, she summons her last bit of strength, and in a rage, grabs Chuck by the throat, smites an attacking Lucifer (bye bye Lucy!), throws Dean from rescuing Castiel, and regains the power of the Mark from Sammy’s arm. She impales Chuck with her blackness, and he is dropped to the ground, in a mostly dead heap.
And we end another penultimate episode of a Supernatural season wondering how Sam and Dean will get out of this mess.
Casifer: “One cosmic band-aid on my knee, and what, we’re even now? Are we supposed to go play catch in the yard? Screw you.”
Dean: “It’s like the worst episode of Full House ever.”
Sam” “We all know you’re, God, but could you be a little less, Lordly?” Chuck: “But I am the Lord.”
Crowley: “I appreciate your attempts at bro-mantic rekindling, I think that ship has sailed.”
Casifer: “It’s about her. Sam, it’s about his girlfriend.”
Chuck: “Oh yeah, I’ve been quietly rooting against you both for some time now, although I can’t deny, you’re one of my guilty pleasures.”
Crowley: “If you call giving her a mild case of the pukes working…”
Next! Some soul collecting to set off a DeanBomb. Will Amara fall for it? I know if Dean-o smiled his smile and flashed his sparkly eyes at me, I would most likely lose all sense of reason, so I think there’s a decent chance.