The X-Files: Ep. 5, Babylon

I spent the first minutes of this episode hoping that the praying, PB&J eating Muslin, Shiraz, wasn’t a bomber. Imagine my disappointment when he and his buddy walked into that art gallery and exploded.

But did he actually pull the trigger? Does it matter if he did or not? It’s all very uncomfortable, but also leads us to an interesting episode regarding faith and human nature and the evolution of thought.


It was a fun episode where Mulder and Scully meet their younger FBI counterparts in Agent Miller (Robbie Amell) and Agent Einstein (Lauren Ambrose), and Mulder takes a crazy, hallucinatory trip that was HIGHLY amusing. And maybe born of his own mind, and not magic mushrooms. BTW, Ambrose and Amell were fantastic. And from the previews for the last episode, it seems we at least see Ambrose’s Agent Einstein again, which is a-okay with me.


It was a partner swap, wife swap kinda thing, giving the settled couple – Mulder and Scully – a youthful injection of awe and enthusiasm.

But really, it was maybe my least favorite of the revival, with bits of hilarity and old fashioned X-Files. And Mulder line dancing, which is everything.

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And in my continuing ‘Ship Watch with these two, we see once again how much they care for each other, and Mulder, well, he’s just totally goony over Scully, right? So much so, that he is even considering her side when it comes to God. Mulder, a known atheist, is contemplating what it might mean to embrace the notion of God. It’s so damn sweet, as these two walk hand in hand at the end of the episode, talking the possibilities.

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So, the season finale is upon us. This is gonna be either totally bonkers, a hot mess, or super duper X-Files wonderment. Maybe all of that. I’m excited to see what they bring us, aren’t you?