Full disclosure: I am using this recap as part of my word count for NaNoWriMo, because all writing counts this month.
Amara is growing up fast; Metatron has the Demon Tablet; New Rules: No killing people; Castiel is on a Netflix binge.
The beautiful boys are still in Massachusetts, looking for more Amara victims, while Crowley is trying to tame his surly teen Amara. Castiel is watching reruns of Jenny Jones back at the bunker, and he “Sounds weird. Bad weird.”
At Dean’s nudging, Castiel attempts to leave the bunker, but he seems to be having some PTSD about the horrors of the past few months, and he retreats back into the bunker. Until! He sees Metatron in a news segment about a murder in Omaha, and Cas knows he has to go get the little booger bugger.
Castiel swoops in and saves the latest victim that Metatron is trying to exploit for cash, and drags him off to an empty warehouse to interrogate, and then beat the snot out of him. After showing Metatron that he has swiped the Demon tablet from his bed bug ridden mattress, Castiel get some choice intel out of “Marv”. Amara is God’s sister! And God had to betray her to create the world. Vengeance is her motivation, it seems. More family drama on Supernatural!!
Sam and Dean use their clever demon trap skillz to trap a demon who is out trying to ‘quiet’ Amara’s victims, and they find out that Crowley is babysitting the vessel of The Darkness. After interrogating said demon, and realizing that they can’t save the human vessel because of an old gunshot woulnd, for the first time ever, they decide to try and find Crowley’s hideout! And make quick work of it too! These guys are good.
Amara had discovered the power of memes. Cat memes especially, She is not impressed. SHE IS EVIL. Crowley tries a little parenting to get Amara to behave, but you know how teens are. Surly and irritating. He admits that he’s out of his depth, and does what Crowley does best, strikes a deal.
The boys break into Crowley’s lair easily, and Dean finds Amara’s room, ready to kill her. And when Crowley barges in, pinning Dean to a pillar, and monologues that he is finally ready to kill Dean, Amara decides that’s enough of that, and hilariously bonks Crowley on the head with a piece of wood and pins him to the wall. Dean is all, HUH?
And much like any woman with a pulse, Amara tells Dean how fond she is of him, and even though she flings a demon saving, vision having Sam across the hall as he busts in to save Dean, she leaves all three of the boys unharmed as she makes her way out into the world.
Dean is pretty freaked out at the hold Amara has over him. She seems to have imprinted on him, like a fuzzy little duckling. So freaked out is he, that he lies to Sam and Castiel about how she escaped. But then, Sam decides to not mention his latest vision, which looks a lot like Lucifer’s cage, if you ask me. So, business as usual with the Winchesters!
There is a lot of violence, but also a lot of mercy in this episode.
So, Amara is out in the world, Crowley is the most depressed King of Hell ever, Dean is freaked out and drinking, Castiel doesn’t seem believe to Dean’s Amara story, and while Sam has admitted to having visions, he’s keeping this latest one to himself, along with the information that Billie the reaper told him, that there are no more do-overs for Sam and Dean.
I wonder how Dean would react to knowing there were no more do-overs. Would that make him even more reckless, or would he stop and consider things a little more? Maybe that is why Sam hasn’t told him that bit of news just yet, he doesn’t know how Dean will react.
Next! Sheriff Donna is back, along with a murderous bunny? Excellent.