Supernatural: Heavy Handed


Don’t get me wrong, I love the Ghostfacers, but this last appearance by our intrepid fakers Ed and Harry was quite heavy handed. We get it, Sam and Dean are having yet another epic struggle, and the fight between the Ghostfacers at the end of the episode, right in front of an increasingly uncomfortable Sam and Dean was like a huge anvil to the noggin.

Wrong episode, right idea.

Wrong episode, right idea.

SPN lift anvil

But nevertheless, I did enjoy another round with these guys, and that Thinman story was cree-pee, especially once it turns out that it was just a couple of psycho copycats and not something supernatural, which always skeeves me out on this show. (I mean, I expect people to be AWFUL on other shows, like The Following or The Blacklist, but on this show, a show about supernatural monsters, it is unnerving when the monster is just some crappy human being.)

So, after another placeholder of an episode, it looks as though we get back to the main saga of the search for the First Blade, the effects of the Mark of Cain, and some snarky goodness with Crowley. YES.

Also, this is a nice little interview with Jensen about what is coming up for the last half of the season. More Men of Letters! YAY!