Supernatural: Cas Makes Three

Now that was a lot of goodness! Naked!Dean, Naked!Sam, the boys in suits, disgustingly gross deaths, shiny black cars, hilarity and Castiel. I am a happy woman.

While the past season or so of Supernatural was pretty good, one of my gripes was all that angst between the beautiful brothers. I watch this show for the camaraderie between Sam and Dean (and yes, for the pretty), so watching all those episodes where they were so far from each other was tough. I am guessing that Sera was feeling the same way, because she didn’t take long to get that slap happy vibe back between our lovely Winchesters. Yes, there is some trepidation on the part of Dean, which is totally fair considering his experience in the pit, but the scenes in the motel room and at the morgue were peppy and those two seemed to be having more fun together than they had had in ages. It made me all gooey inside.

So. The Angels up in heaven, and down here on Earth. I am glad to see the repercussions of Castiel helping to end the Apocalypse, and I am always up for a civil war among the angels. We had some good smiting and some fun twisty turns with Raphael and Balthazar. Loved the pillar of salt gag. Nice how Sam and Dean’s knowledge can let them contribute to the fight. This struggle makes me wonder if we will be encountering many demons this season. I am kinda demon-ed out, and the warring angels give us a whole new host of tricks and treats. Plus, any reason to have more Castiel on my TV!

Speaking of our fair Cas, I like how he has become more solemn. By the end of last season, the fish-out-of-water trope was veering awfully close to camp. I adore that side of Cas, but he is a warrior, he needs to have that strength and resolve to set him apart from the humans. I hope this balance continues. I also enjoy being introduced to new angels, and look forward to seeing who else is on their way.

So far, it looks like we are gonna have a pretty good balance of monster episodes and what’s-up-with-heaven episodes, which is fine with me. My favorite SPN eps. are the ones that are both funny and scary, something I think the writers have been pretty adept at through the years. I am also a sucker for myth arcs and continuing stories in my shows, so I am hoping Ms. Gamble can get those parts of the show back in balance after the myth heavy season five. I am happy with most everything so far. Next week is monsters (and Bobby!), and I am excited.

Lastly, while Sam’s car sure was pretty, I loved it being crushed by a couple of falling angels, because Metallicar just ain’t the same without both of those beautiful boys riding inside.