Lost: The Lighthouse

I was struck this week by how perfect the music is on Lost.

I think it came to mind because I finally watched, “There Will Be Blood” last weekend (why did everyone flip out about that milkshake line? I mean, really!) and the soundtrack reminded me of Lost.

It wasn’t so much that the music sounded like the soundtrack of the Best Show On Television, though there certainly were moments that sounded similar. It was how the music evoked a feeling the moment before the movie did.

Every music change on Lost prepares you for the next moment. It so perfectly sets up the next feeling, emotion.

That was in evidence this week, as the Lighthouse episode answered more bits and pieces and brought us justhismuchcloser to find out what on Earth is going on here.

The numbers

They’re degrees, geographical coordinates. Those numbers had to be punched into the computer over and over and over again for one simple reason: To bring the Losties to the Island and then to keep them there.

Who is 108? We didn’t find out. Maybe it’s Desmond? Or could even be someone we don’t know yet. In fact, for a change, the detail wasn’t so important. It was what the detail brought to us that was – that the Lighthouse was a means for Jacob to monitor all his candidates from their youngest days.

Also, that perhaps the cave on the cliff was not Jacob’s. If he had everyone listed here, in the lighthouse, what need would he have had for that cave? The cave seems more in line with the MiB anyhow. So who killed all those people who are dead? Was it the fault of the MiB or Jacob?


Look, I know a lot of people don’t like Jack. I’ve alternated back and forth on him myself. But no matter what, Matthew Fox has played him pitch-perfectly.

I wanna know: Who was Jack’s ex? Was it the ex from the pre-explosion life?

We know that Jack always felt he couldn’t live up to his dad. And now we know that in the alternate reality, he felt the same way.

Also interesting: This alternate reality is obviously not quite right. Jack couldn’t remember getting his appendix out. He’s surprised to see the scar. Being a doctor, he knows what a scar like that means. But original timeline Jack never had his appendix out. So this Jack is confused.

That’s the first indication we’ve gotten that this alternate reality is not really an alternate reality. I feel as if it’s going to merge somehow with the original timeline, even though so many things are different. I don’t know how or why, but I just feel it, and the appendix scar was the first thing that really convinced me of that.

But here’s the main issue I’m curious about: Claire. In our alternate reality, they find out upon Jack’s dad’s death that Claire is his sister, because of the will (ok, not yet, but it’s obvious it’s soon). But in the original time stream, Jack only found out because Claire’s mom came to the memorial service.

Christian Shepherd must have had a will in the original timeline. He wasn’t the type of man to not have a will. And we know that in the original timeline he was concerned about Claire. Hell, he died after trying to visit her.

So why was Claire not in his will in our original timeline?


Speaking of, I’m more convinced than ever that Claire is bat-guano crazy.Which, this being Lost, makes me wonder if she’s crazy at all.

On the one hand, she’s been living alone on the island all this time. That’s enough to make anyone cuckoo. And we know what happened to Rousseau – obviously the same thing as to her.

But, first, I must ask if she’s even really alive?

I also wonder, if there’s this alternate timeline, what if, in this timeline, Aaron IS with the Others. Jin wasn’t with them long enough to have determined a single thing. Ben did take Alex, so Rousseau’s obsession with the Others having taken her baby was completely correct.

What if, in this reality, Claire’s belief that the Others stole Aaron is actually true?

Don’t say it’s ridiculous. This is Lost. The show that has made the ridiculous not only realistic, but fascinating and compelling.

Would love to hear what you all think.