Heroes – why am I watching this, again?

In Heroes’ first season, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride of “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World” and Hiro’s adorable embrace of his superhero-ness.

The Petrelli brothers and their twisted family.

Claire Bear and HRG and the hapless Mrs. Bennett.

Sylar torn between being good and evil.

Matt Parkman struggling to understand and use his powers.

Heroes banner

Then there was the bizarre, strike-shortened Season 2 that had potential but just left everyone wondering what the hell happened to Peter’s Irish lass, stuck in some screwed-up, plague-infested alternate future.

Season 3 had its moments but took a left turn to weirdoland with a whole plot where we got to see Angela Petrelli as a little girl in a U.S. internment camp for people with powers. And, of course, Mohinder’s father was there.

And don’t even get me started on Mohinder doing his best Jeff Goldblum impression from The Fly.

I still watch; I can’t seem to help myself.

But the completely insane Sylar-as-Nathan (or is that really Nathan-as-Sylar?) storyline that has finally given Nathan a conscience – oddly enough – and Matt’s struggle against the Sylar inside him is getting on my nerves. And what about the depressed deaf woman who sees music as color?

And don’t get me started on the Carnivale storyline.

We’re no closer to understanding any of the big questions the show has raised, such as:
• Was Adam Monroe really from the past, or was he somehow thrust back into the past and forced to live through hundreds of years with none of his kind?
• How did Angela Petrelli’s generation of mutants find each other?
• What about the generation before Angela Petrelli’s? Were her and the others’ parents also mutants of some sort?
• Where’s Christopher Eccleston?
• Does Hiro’s sister also have a power?
• Why am I still watching?

Seriously, if things don’t start to change soon, I’m just gonna have to give up. And that’s even with tonight’s (SPOILER ALERT!) zombie Sylar coming out of the ground at the end.