Lost: The Little Prince

Our favorite Losties continued their zig-zagging around time this week, with increasingly dire results. (Don’t read if you didn’t watch … you’re warned.)


First, let’s look at the Oceanic 6:

• Jack is so determined to put things right, to “fix” everything as usual, that he is all in with Ben. He cannot imagine Ben would be lying about anything. And in his effort to get Kate to join them in going back to the island, he almost ends up spilling the beans about Aaron to Claire’s mom. Did you not double-take when she asked, “Who’s Aaron?” By the way, my buddy Stephanie Dube has a verrrry interesting theory about Jack, check it out.

• Sayid is attacked by someone with Kate’s address in his pocket. Was this person sent by Widmore? By Ben? By Marvin Candle? By Jacob? By someone else we can’t even fathom?

• Poor Hurley’s in jail and thinks he’s safe, but he’ll be released in the morning. A prison jumpsuit was a bit slimming on him, though, I thought.

• Sun is preparing to kill Ben. Does she want to kill Jack, too? Why did she call Kate? How creepy was it that she had Aaron in the back seat, fast asleep, as she’s stalking Ben? I’m sorry, but she’s really not being a very good baby-sitter.

• Kate is totally messed up. She totally loves Aaron. She is the boy’s mommy now, no matter what anyone says. She really does just want to live her life, but life just won’t let her. How, exactly, are they going to get her to join them? By the way, I’d totally forgotten that Kate had been the one to deliver Claire’s baby; what goes around …

• Is it just me or does Aaron seem a little big for 3 years old?

• Ben – he’s kind of like the Oceanic 7th. Michael Emerson totally has to win an Emmy for the job he does. Even I get sucked in by Ben’s lies from time to time.

Meanwhile, back on the island:

• Didn’t you just want to give Sawyer a big cuddle and tell him everything was going to be OK when he got all heartbroken seeing Kate? He’s really got it bad. By the way, how many more episodes before he and Juliet kiss? Anyone taking bets?

• Daniel needs to start being more honest with folks. I dont understand why he’s not telling what he knows. I mean, we already know he knows more, just in terms of needing a constant. But it’s even more obvious that he knows something about Charlotte and Miles.

• Nose bleeders – Charlotte was first, Miles second and now Juliet. I’m more convinced than ever that Charlotte is Annie, Ben’s childhood girlfriend who grew up on the island. Her being younger than she should be could be easily explained by the way time moves differently on and off the island. Miles I think is Marvin Candle’s son. Why he has no knowledge of having been on the island before, I don’t know. And Juliet has been on the island for a few years, longer than the Losties, because she was brought there by the others for the whole fertility issue. I hope we learn if I’m right about Charlotte and Miles before season’s end.

• Where are Rose and Bernard?

• Whose canoe-thingy was that on the beach that they used to try to get to the Orchid?

• Who else is excited to see a young Rousseau and learn her story??? Me me me! I knew the second we first saw them that that’s who they were. I didn’t realize, however, that they crashed out at sea and rode a boat to the island.

• Jin’s alive!!!!!!! What? OK, so riddle me this – is he unhinged from time, too, or is he stuck in the past with the French folks?

• Why, exactly, does the island keep hopping about in time? Hasn’t the frozen donkey wheel been used before? Did it hop around then? I wonder if the Oceanic 6 must come back to the island because (and hat tip to Dube again) they are the island’s constant, and they must all be there in order to stabilize it.

• Is Michael alive, too, then?

• Who was shooting at Locke & co. when they were rowing? Juliet seemed pretty convinced those were not Others. And at this point, I don’t think she’s lying about this stuff anymore.

• As for Locke, it seems pretty obvious that he gets to the Orchid, turns the frozen donkey wheel, tries to convince The Six to go back to the island, fails and kills himself because he believes he’s killed the island and those who remain.

• The episode’s title: The Little Prince. It comes from the title of the famous novel by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. It’s a wonderful little book I read back in high school in the original French. It’s supposedly a children’s book, but is written as much for adults, much in the same way that Disney/Pixar movies are for children, yet have lots of jokes for the adults who bring them. It is very idealistic and many consider the key to the theme of the book to be a sentence a fennec (desert fox) utters to the main character, the prince:

“One cannot see well except with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.”

Does that sentence sum up Locke or what?