Battlestar Galactica: My jaw dropped *twice*

I’m not going to post a full review just right yet; so much happened tonight that I must let it all seep in.

But despite the fact that we shouldn’t have had to wait this long, tonight’s episode was more than worth the wait.


Hey! You haven’t watched yet? Then don’t read any further, OK? NO FURTHER. I cannot be held responsible for spoiling anything if you do.

First time my jaw dropped. Dualla’s suicide.

She’d finally had enough. She always loved Lee and couldn’t really go on without him. Despite their “date,” she knew he would always go back to Kara and wasn’t going to go through that again. So she had her perfect night with her perfect knight and ended it all there.

Never saw it coming.

The second jaw-drop: Ellen Tigh? Really?

I know her name came up from time to time in theories of the final Cylon, but I never gave that any credence, and I don’t think anyone else ever really truly did, either.

Until Dualla killed herself, I wondered about her again. And when Starbuck found her dead self, I really truly wondered if it was going to be just that obvious.

Nope. Ellen Tigh.

When Saul finally remembers his past on Earth, he watches his beloved Ellen die the first time. But it will all be OK – they will be reborn, together.

Does that mean Ellen may still actually be reborn? If so, does that mean she might actually be able to broker a peace between the warring Cylon factions, given her “relationship” with Brother Cavil?

OK. It’s very cold and I really must sleep. But I will be back at some point tomorrow to discuss all the other issues that came up tonight, and there were many.

I am not in the slightest bit disappointed with tonight’s return; I only regret there are just 9 episodes left

So Say We All: The Battlestar Galactica Blog Carnival will post here on Tuesday. If you’d like to participate in the carnival, please submit your article here.